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In order to allow your customers to log in to your X-Cart store via Vkontakte social network, you should Register in VKontakte  Developer portal

Vkontakte developer portal

And open up "My apps" page.


Create Vkontakte application page

Click on the "Crate an Application" button.


Vkontakte application type

Select proper application type like on the next screenshot. 


Vkontacte application creation

Fill in application data with info about your site. 


Vkontakte phone confirmation

Confirm the phone number connected with VKontakte account. 


Vkontakte application details

Fill in required information about your site. This information and logo will be displayed to customers, when they try to log in to X-Cart store via VKontakte.


Vkontakte application data

On this step, wright down the required Application ID and Secure key.